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Below are links to my publications on Latin American Studies, Philosophy, and Astrophysics. 

You can also find me at, PhilPeople, and Google Scholar.

Brecht’s Life of Galileo: Staging a theory of the encounter of practices.

Galilæana. Studies in Renaissance and Early Modern Science, 2024.

On Mariátegui’s plural spatiotemporal concept of history

Consecutio Rerum, 2023.

Anomalous Alliances: Spinoza and Abolition

Deleuze and Guattari Studies, 2022.

Science and Struggle: On the Althusserianism of Mauricio Malamud

Décalages: A Journal of Althusser Studies, 2022. 

Marx, ciencia de la contingencia

Res Publica Revista de Historia de las Ideas Políticas, 2022. Dossier on the work of Jacques Lezra.

Crisis Cultures: A prism to theorize the cultural imprints of finance capital

Chasqui: Revista de literatura y cultura latinoamericana e indígena, 2022. Book review.

¿Entre Bergson y Einstein? Mariátegui y la pluralidad espacio-temporal de la historia. 

El ejercicio del pensar: Presencia de José Carlos Mariátegui (CLACSO), 2020.

Containing the Surplus Rebellion: Prison Strike / Prison Riot

New Global Studies, 2020.

The Nerves of the Leviathan: On Metaphor and Hobbes’ Theory of Punishment

Otro Siglo: Revista de Filosofía,  2019.


Espectralidades tendenciales: Sobre el Marx de Derrida y la pregunta por la historia

Demarcaciones: Revista latinoamericana de estudios althusserianos, 2019.

Deriving galaxy cluster velocity anisotropy profiles from a joint analysis of dynamical and weak lensing data

Astrophysical Journal, 2019.  With Miller,C.J., Halenka, V.

Cosmology with Galaxy Cluster Phase Spaces

Physical Review, 2017. With  Miller, C. J., and Huterer, D.

On Escaping a Galaxy Cluster in an Accelerating Universe

Astrophysical Journal, 2016. With Miller, C. J. and Gifford, D.

Inferring Gravitational Potentials From Mass Densities in Cluster-Sized Halos

Astrophysical Journal, 2016. Miller, C. J., Stark, A. and Gifford, D. 

Probing Theories of Gravity with Phase Space-Inferred Potentials of Galaxy Clusters

Physical Review, 2016. With  Miller, C. J., Kern, N., et al.

Edited Special Issues

Reading Althusser politically

Décalages: A Journal of Althusser Studies, 2022.

Edited with Alex Gorman, David Maruzzella, Brendan Rome, and Justin Raden.

Ciencia, filosofía y coyuntura en la pandemia capitalista

Demarcaciones: Revista latinoamericana de estudios althusserianos, 2021.

Edited with Claudio Salvador Aguayo.

The Global Riot
New Global Studies, 2020.

Edited with Maura Brighenti, Lucía Cavallero,  and Niccolò Cuppini.


Brenna Bhandar and Alberto Toscano

“Raza, bienes raíces y abstracción real"

Translated from the English "Race, real estate and real abstraction" published in Radical Philosophy

Published in La abstracción real. Filosofia, estética y capital. Palinodia: Santiago, Chile. 2022.

Mauricio Malamud 

“Science and politics”

Translated from the Spanish "Ciencia y política" published in Escritos (1969-1987)

Published in Décalages: A Journal of Althusser Studies 4:2, 429-435. 2022.

Karen Barad

“Entrelazamientos Cuánticos y Relaciones de Herencia Fantológicas: Dis/continuidades, Pliegues EspacioTemporales, y la Justicia-por-venir”

Translated from the English "Quantum Entanglements and Hauntological Relations of Inheritance: Dis/continuities, SpaceTime Enfoldings, and Justice-to-Come" published in Derrida Today

Published in Demarcaciones: Revista latinoamericana de estudios althusserianos. 2021.


Verónica Gago and Raquel Gutiérrez Aguilar

“The Feminist Strike as Threshold.”

Translated from a Spanish original recording by Rustbelt Abolition Radio transcribed by Tatiana Oliveira.

Published in New Global Studies, Volume 14, Issue 2, Pages 111–120. 2020.

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